| Newsletter, Fachveranstaltung, Vorträge

Craftsmanship in the Digital Age

Das Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory (ANCB) richtet in diesem Jahr in Berlin eine fünfteilige Veranstaltungsreihe aus, in der die Innovationskraft von digitalen Technologien auf Architektur, Werte und Herstellung beleuchtet und diskutiert werden.


Namhafte Architekten, Forscher und Industrievertreter stellen jeweils im öffentlichen Teil der Veranstaltung ihre Statements zur Diskussion. Es schließt sich ein Workshop mit ausgewählten Experten an. Die Reihe ist englischsprachig und wird durch die Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau gefördert.

Das ANCB und die Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau laden herzlich ein zu folgenden Themenabenden:


Architecture, Materiality and Technology 

3-4 February 2017

tracing over time the relationship between design and making, and the evolution of the architecture process, up to the present day moment when the scope of materials can be considered in combination with the potential of digital technology.


Innovative Building Components 

21-22 April 2017

exploring the merits and challenges of the spectrum of additional functionality digital fabrication can add to building components, beyond the aesthetic and structural; e.g. biodegradability,  embedded energy, data-driven responsiveness


Values for Architecture and the Building Industry

22-23 September 2017

identifying the societal responsibilities which digital fabrication could assist the building industry in addressing: e.g. commitment to efficient use of depleting natural resources, and public finances; halting the seemingly unstoppable march of mass production and mass importation of products; protection of knowledge and welfare of manufacturing work force to keep pace with technological automation.


Alternative Sketch to Site Processes

10-11 November 2017

the digital era is enabling the emergence of new structures for managing the communication chain in the building process, -e.g.- BIM. Which frameworks include the manufacturers of building components and allow for closer communication with the architect - between the sketch and the finished component?


Spatial Typologies for New User Habits

date will be given later

describing the path towards realising built spaces that are environmentally conscious in their form, make-up and functionality, and that activate an awareness of resource consumption sufficient to trigger positive adjustments in users’ everyday habits.


Dokumentation der Auftaktveranstaltung:

 Website des ACNB
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